12 comments on “Lego Soccer Mania WORLD CUP Year 2.5: SWEDEN

  • NessLover94 says:

    Here comes my response to the description of your movie:
    How dare you talk trash about my home country like that? Sure I can admit
    they are not very good, (they have only won the olympic football tournament
    in 1948), but at least you could apologize to all swedes who are watching.

  • Lewis Scott says:

    Did you know in real life USA are really bad at soccer so don’t start to
    call the US the best place in the world because they are not

  • Anton Mladenov says:

    If you push Q and D at the same time it will give you a power shot that
    almost always go in when on target, also if you’re facing away from the net
    and do the power shot you will shoot it backwards over your head. ( It also
    looks pretty cool.) Another trick is SHIFT to sprint you shoot forward but
    have less control of the ball, last but not least if you double tap S
    you’ll pass and pass back to the last character, ( during this time you can
    run forward,) It’s also tricky to do.

  • OmegaWolfMagic says:

    Tip: I actually think that if you play as USA in the lego cup, it’s
    actually the hardest no matter what difficulty you have it set to, just a
    little tip.

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